Saturday, September 3, 2011

Post #4-Jane Goodall Inspirational Wisdom

                 This post is about a new to me and different perspective I learned about in an excerpt from a book: Healing Earth's Scars: It's Never Too Late by Jane Goodall, Gail Hudson, and Thane Maynard. I really like this read because it was a sort of change of pace and a relieving feeling of pending doom that most Environmental Engineers might hold close to their hearts, including me. The main message was it's not too late, even when it appears that all hope is lost. The authors, went through great trouble to give the reader the very important small bits and pieces of other peoples experiences, as well as their own, concerning the driving forces behind conservationists and what keeps them going.
               Compared to my last post, I feel like this was a better read. The grammar was much better,  less numbers, more of a human heartfelt and compassionate desire to help the reader develop empathy for endangered plants and animals.  Two drawbacks were the overly mentioned traveling via airplane and a web-site. I could have done without the almost bragging of flying all over the world because jet fuel is harmful to the environment and therefore to her cause. Also, the constant referral of a web site the authors set up was annoying and could have had better results in the beginning and end of the excerpt.
               Overall, this gave me hope. Where there once was something great such as a rain forest and is now black rock in the scorching sun can rebound as it was with the proper care and motivated people.  Other locations where there once was abundant wild life but have virtual extinction can also recover when all seems lost through the dedication of caring individuals. The lack of an abundance of life in rivers that are polluted and possibly even considered a fire hazard can eventually be restored to its former glory but at a large cost and time.  
~Max G.

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  1. Welcome to the comments section. Write anything that's on your mind.
